As we head into the winter months, prioritising your health is even more important, and today we’re introducing you to Aleyna Oksuz – founder of Wellness with Aleyna. Aleyna is your go-to Wellness and Gut Health Coach specialising in gut health, weight loss and maintenance.
TAs an Australian with a Turkish background, Aleyna’s inspiration comes from the Mediterranean lifestyle that is proven by science to be one of the most effortless lifestyle approaches supporting health and longevity.
Whether you’re in need of healing your gut, achieving weight goals, need 1:1 support, prefer to work solo or need an inspirational speaker then look no further than Aleyna.
As with all of our business introductions, Aleyna has put together some fabulous offers exclusively for our WebOracle Community, including a FREE 3-day Mediterranean gut reset guide & a Happy Gut Healthy Weight digital course
which consolidates 10 x private coaching sessions into 3 x workshops Valued at $1490, for only $47.
Aleyna has also generously discounted her speaking and coaching services for WebOracle, so be sure to reach out to Aleyna to find out more.
Ready to start the project?
Services available all over Australia.
We can help reach your goals through our process driven planning strategy.
Level 4, 145 Clarendon St,
Southbank VIC 3006